Beautiful Alaskan mountain view on the ocean.

Become a Member

Exposure Questionnaires

Complete the appropriate exposure questionnaire(s) below and email to  , or fax to 907-279-3615.

These questionnaires provide you with the opportunity to ensure that your entity is properly protected. While completing your questionnaires, please pay careful attention to the following:

Properly Coded Payroll

Workers’ compensation rates are different for each code, so make sure payroll is scheduled appropriately. We need your projected payroll numbers from July 1, 2018, to July 1, 2019. If you have questions about the correct code, contact our office. Realizing you are providing estimated payroll figures, we will be conducting an audit at the end of the year to obtain actual payrolls.

Autos Scheduled for Coverage

Auto liability is required for all autos in use.

Scheduled Values for Property

You are required to schedule buildings, contents, EDP, and fine arts at full replacement cost. Mobile equipment and garaged vehicles are to be scheduled at actual cash value (ACV).


If the value for an item is at or below your deductible, you might want to consider deleting the item. Deductibles are also used to determine rates. Choosing a higher deductible is one alternative for lowering premium.

Employee Concentration

We are requiring information regarding employee concentrations to include the maximum number of employees at each member’s locations.

GPS Coordinates

Please indicate the GPS coordinates of each scheduled property location if this information is available.

Website Access Registration

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

The member acknowledges that the information and services to be accessed through this web site are provided “as is” and the AMLJIA makes no warranties or representations, expressed or implied, as to any information or services provided hereunder, and that the entire risk as to the performance and results achieved thereunder are assumed by the User.

The member is responsible to use reasonable security measures to protect its member-access user name(s) and password(s) and understands and agrees that the AMLJIA is not responsible for any unauthorized use of the member’s access user name(s) and password(s).