Fishing nets with a view of an Alaskan church on the coast behind.

Loss Control Incentive Program

In FY 2006, the AMLJIA unveiled the Loss Control Incentive Program, an activity-based incentive safety program designed to reduce losses by helping pool members target their loss control efforts at reducing those high frequency losses and high severity losses. Members currently participating in the program may earn up to a five percent credit based on their annual contribution with the savings applied against next year’s contribution. Since the program’s inception, members have earned  contribution credits  totaling  over $2.7 million.

The AMLJIA provides all materials necessary to implement and maintain an active safety committee. Participants are asked to perform certain activities and provide documentation of those activities to be eligible for a premium discount. The program involves four key elements:

Active Safety Committee

Maintain an Active Safety Committee and hold a minimum of one safety meeting per month. Safety reports should be incorporated into school board and city council meeting agendas to help raise awareness and gain support throughout administration and staff. Report claims in a timely manner.  You may hold your own monthly safety meeting or participate in the monthly AMLJIA Safety Teleconference, held at 10am on the second Tuesday of each month.

Safety Plans

Implement the following four model safety plans and one administrative policy targeted at preventing injuries and reducing losses, and provide a roster documenting annual employee training on these safety plans. The plans provided by the AMLJIA include:

Slip, Trip, & Fall Prevention
Back Injury Prevention & Safe Lifting
Personal Protective Equipment
Return to Work

Facility Inspections

Conduct facility inspections in the spring and fall of each year. This will help you identify and take steps to remediate potential problems.

Loss Control Reports

Respond to loss control recommendations generated from AMLJIA loss control visits.

The Loss Control Incentive Program is available for download in the Members Area. Call 800-337-3682 or email Brennan Hickok to request a printed copy.