The community of Tenakee Alaska, covered in snow.

Employment Law Hotline

The employment law hotline is a service AMLJIA offers to our members. Members can call Kim Dunn at  Landye Bennett Blumstein LLP, and  receive a free 30-minute consultation per area of concern. If the issue requires more time, you will be advised to contact other counsel or get authorization from AMLJIA for more time.

Call the employment hotline next time you are faced with:

  • The need to lay off employees
  • A discipline problem
  • The need to restructure a department
  • Whether or not to terminate an employee

Please remember: The AMLJIA may defend a wrongful-discharge claim ONLY if the AMLJIA member consults legal counsel BEFORE terminating any employee, and follows the attorney’s advice.

Unless it’s an emergency, please take a minute to check the following items BEFORE you call your AMLJIA Employment Law Hotline:

Call 1-877-4AMLJIA (1-877-426-5542) to speak with Kim Dunn  today!