The community of Port Lions Alaska

Law Enforcement Management Institute Registration

Law Enforcement Management Institute

2023 LEMI Registration

Please enter your name as you wish it to appear on your course completion certificate.
Registration Fee(Required)
The registration fee is payable by check in advance or at the door. We are unable to accept credit card payments at this time. Payment can be mailed to: AMLJIA, 807 G Street, Suite 356, Anchorage, AK 99501
AMLJIA members are eligible for a travel subsidy reimbursement upon completion of training. Application forms will be provided to those that qualify. Receipts for airfare or documented mileage and hotel receipts will be required.
AMLJIA members are eligible for a travel subsidy reimbursement upon completion of training. Application forms will be provided to those that qualify. Receipts for airfare or documented mileage and hotel receipts will be required.
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